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As an architectural designer, when I approach the topic ‘Use(fu)less, it is automatic for me to think about space. 


I have been designing useful spaces throughout my career, spaces with designated functions, normally labelled with a client’s intent. So what are ‘useless’ spaces? And if physicists has already come to proven space and time are concepts that cannot be understood as two (space-time), does that mean creating a ‘useless’ space would also imply creating a ‘useless’ time?

The useful spaces I designed normally start with a function or functions. The most intepreted notions of a room is complied of 4 walls, with solid materials that keep thermal comfort, give visual privacy and contain certain activities. 


The experiment of a useless space inverts these concepts. It starts with no function, soft non-freestanding materials that cannot give thermal comfort. It would be porous, permeable to see through, arranged in a form almost unable to enter,. In a form of a sphere, different from a cube, the geometry is inefficent to contain and consruct. Using these languages, I created a Void using sheer fabrics with no normal planar exclosure except the ground, in where time is transitional, undetermined, non-functional and ‘useless’. 


But time is non-existent if there is not an observer, an ‘actor’ or you might say a reference of experience. Upon creating this absrtact geometries in my mind, memories of useless time surfaces. Time as a child I played on a swing, looking upon the blue sky wondering awe, rolling in a blanket loving the comfort and and sense of security. Those memories, mostly snaps of fragments, exist as if a mirrored space in my current life. They are useless, yet perhaps crucial in my growth, if not I would not remember. 


I think we all have those moments. Those non-functional fragments symbolise important emotions or attributes that are necessicities in life or compose our growth. They also exist in our adult life; for me as an example, are times of travels, showers, or mere wanders in cities. Moments of emptiness. Thoughts come to us other than we actively generate to them. Deeper emotions emerge rather than we actively seek for them. Something recharges our normalities, routines, doings and rushing-about. 


In this way, useless is also useful. Useful will also become useless. 
They resonates in parellel, together with each other. 



So I created the Swinging Void-
originally as a thought process of myself, but hopefully would also become a piece for you to experience those fragments I experience- fragments most likely particular and unique for yourself at this space-time. 


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