North Point
Hong Kong
Co-created with Hong Kong Art Centre, funded by Urban Renewal Fund
#TackPoint靈感來自社區。居民可利用不同的附件配置於基礎結構上,靈活創造出不同的用途,例如市集,室外放映空間或工作坊等等。由街坊回收合力組織而成的透明頂篷在炎夏中為海邊的途人遮陽,並配有一系列街道家具配件供街坊坐下休息,聚首一堂。 展品配件也遠景於展期完結後能歸於社區,展現"生於斯,長於斯,死於斯"的概念。
The North Point Vernacular is practical, fit for purpose, and constructed by simple, everyday objects. Located on the fringe of two distinctively different areas of North Point, #TackPoint is a transition space that celebrates the essence of the neighbourhood and encourages social interaction.
The translucent floating canopy co-created by the community that offers places to sit and pause, is accompanied by a series of adaptive street furniture modules that aim to bring locals and passers-by together. A range of accessories can be tacked onto the base structures to prompt different uses - one day a pop up market, and an outdoor screening space the next. #TackPoint is ever evolving and defined by those who use it. #TackPoint is collectively created, shared, and has the intention to be returned.
Year 2021
Art Installation
ViaNorthPoint- Creative Community Space Proposal
& various media
Photos by #TackPoint & Kelvin Mak