PMQ, Central
Hong Kong
For deTour 2021
Co-Produced with
HuangShangYou Steel Industrial &
Sun Hing Curtains & Fabrics
Year 2021
Art Installation
作品“蕩漾之間”邀請遊人靜下來,騰出有(冇)用的時間重新填充自己。作者希望利用這個世界上一些最基本的元素 -時間、空間、光線和我們的個體- 創造一個讓人聽到內心聲音的空間。
What is Use(ful)less time and space?
Useless time- times of obliqueness, non-functional moments of neither-nor, is crucially significant in our cycle of life. They create pause for reflections; void before decision, and space for inner voice to be heard. The Swinging Void creates a room that invites visitors to breathe and experience use(ful)less space-time. Using the bare basic elements that we are born with into this world- time, space, light and our body- the piece takes forms of simple geometry to carve out a solitary, intimate and private experience with a sense of duality. It is composed of the use(ful)less moments we experienced as a child: the joy on a swing, the awe upon glazing the blue sky, and the comfort and security of hiding inside a blanket...
On the outside, the cube appears to be a contained space; yet once entered, the sphere void is vast enough for time to fill and light to play. It invites a gesture of progressive pause to reflect, to recharge, to refill oneself with what the universe has given to us. Let us swing and allow the heart to feel at ease; the mind to breathe and prayers to sour beyond everyday living.